…of course I am not letting him, but it appears that going faster is easier than going slowly.
Mr Tyson got up today from his bed and walked to the door for the first time on his own. Then he stared at me as if to say “Hey, woman, let’s go outside!” So, we did! It was a functional walk (he had business to attend to), but he wanted to go down the driveway and to the road. Gus came too, always looking around and protective. Then we booted it back to the house, by way of eating snow, and he went right back to his bed with a big ol’ grin on his face.
I have been taking him out on leash and with his harness and will continue to do so until the stitches come out, but my general thought is “when do I let him go it by himself?” And is there anything I can do to help exercise/strengthen his other legs for him? I will have to investigate.
We also got some of those Dr Busby’s Toe Grips to help out inside. He has oodles of confidence out, but not a lot on our floors (despite the skid mats). Hopefully these grips will help!